Following the decision to suspend classroom DCPC courses last year a workaround solution was approved by DVSA to allow drivers needing to stay legal to 'attend' their CPC courses via web cam link from home. It has been found to be of benefit to a lot of drivers who have already 'done their 5 days' by getting in hours now while they are stuck at home. And with uncertainty surrounding a full return to normality the online courses are still proving a safe bet.
The single most important piece of advice that we would give drivers attending online DCPC is check your emails! It's the same course that you would attend in a classroom, only you are sat in the benefit of your own home without the hassle of travelling. But you must check and read your emails thoroughly and follow the instructions therein.
Please be aware, DVSA and our training board RTITB are clamping down! Two issues have started to crop up recently...
1. You must not repeat modules you have attended in the last 3 years and
2. Registration Forms and Feedback forms must be returned (via email for online courses) no later than the evening of that days course finishes. (To enable upload the next morning).
To book on our next webinar course where you can attend at home click here.
So,this is what you need to know once you have received your confirmation email and advice on Joining the Course.
In the lead up to the actual course you will receive multiple emails (both from us to confirm your booking and then from our network partner to confirm the date / time details). It is very important you ready fully any emails that are sent to you (and keep an eye on your spam / junk folder just in case).
More than likely we will ask you to supply us with a photo of the front and back of your drivers licence and Driver Qualification Card. (In much the same way that we would take a photo of these if you attended one of our courses in person.) On the day of the course we will ask you to hold up your licence to the camera for identification purposes. PHOTOCOPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE SORRY.
Most of our partners across the country are working in the similar way as described below.
When your online Driver CPC booking has been confirmed.
1. We need photo of front and back your drivers licence - OF THE ORIGINAL - PHOTOCOPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE SORRY
2. Your email address (we need this to send you joining instructions / Zoom invitation)
3. Your mobile number (or contact telephone) (we need this to call you if there are any problems on the morning of the course)
4. The payment needs to be made in full at least 2 full working days before the date of the first course - (preferably sooner to guarantee places).
Most of our network partners courses take place via the Zoom online meeting platform.
You needn't worry about paying for Zoom. We (and our network partners) pay for this.
You just need to download the free software / app to the device you are going to use.
To save time and avoid any issues on the morning of the course you should add zoom to your computer or preferred device now. If you have any issues our technical support team can help you. Please call the number in your confirmation email for assistance.
• Install on Windows
• Install on Mac
• Install on iPhone or iPad
• Install on Android Device
Devices you can use (the bigger the screen the easier you will find reading the info in the slides the instructor will present during the course of the day).
• Desktop or Laptop Computer (PC, Mac or Linux system) – Recommended
• Tablet or Smartphone (Apple, Android, Blackberry or Some Windows Devices (see Windows requirements)
To book on our next webinar course where you can attend at home click here.
• An internet connection – broadband wired or wireless (4G/LTE)
• Speakers and a microphone – built-in or USB plug-in or wireless Bluetooth (Headphones will work fine)
• A webcam or HD webcam – built-in or USB plug-in
• Or, a HD cam or HD camcorder with video capture card
On the morning of the course, roughly 1 hour (most courses start around 8.00 am) before it is due to begin, you will be sent an invitation via email to join the zoom meeting with a unique meeting ID and password. If you have not received this within 45 minutes of the course start time please check your junk folder first and then call us on (0191) 5561004 or the number in your joining instructions email.
Please click the link and join the course at least 30 minutes before the official start time for ID checks and administration.
When you first join the course you will find yourself in a waiting room, please have your ID ready. Shortly after you join the administrator will speak to you individually and ask you to present your ID to the camera and hold it still for a few seconds to allow the camera to focus. You will then be placed back in the waiting area until the course begins.
To book on our next webinar course where you can attend at home click here.
The online course is very similar to the classroom courses that you will have experienced previously, in fact the timings and the course content are more or less the same as it would in the classroom.
The instructor will then run the course as normal allowing candidates to contribute through discussion, on screen questions and private questions and answers which will be monitored by a moderator to ensure everyone gets a response as the course progresses.
Depending upon the numbers attending the instructor may mute everyone's microphone and only unmute individuals as they speak. You are also able to mute your own microphone if you choose to do so and this may be advisable if you have background noise occurring.
Driver CPC is an attendance-based training and you will be required to be visible to the camera at all times, contribute to the course by way of conversation and complete the on-screen polls.
You will be asked to confirm that you understand that you will not be able to attend the course without providing suitable ID - driving license or DQC card at the start of each training session. - (OF THE ORIGINAL - PHOTOCOPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE SORRY).
You may be asked to confirm that when attending the course you will do so from a quiet area that is conducive to learning and that you will not be interrupted during the session.
You may be asked to confirm that you will contribute and join in with discussions on the subject matter.
You may be asked to confirm that you will complete a Feedback Form when asked to do so by your instructor.
You may be asked to confirm that you consent for still images of you in the training session to be used for marketing purposes.
You may be asked to confirm that you accept that the course will be a minimum of 7 hours in duration excluding breaks and administration.
You may be asked to confirm that you will be respectful to both fellow delegates as well as the instructor.
You may be asked to confirm that you will have a pen and notepaper available throughout the session to make notes.
You may be asked to confirm your drivers licence number.
Due to the Driver CPC training being delivered remotely, you will receive more breaks than normal.
This may extend the 7hrs required by JAUPT to complete this course, we hope you enjoy this new experience.
Because of the technology used please be aware that auditors can drop in to the course at any time and the relevant organisations be it DVSA, JAUPT or RTITB can ask to see recording of the course to ensure delegates attend for the full duration and to ensure courses are being ran correctly in much the same way as they are able to turn up unannounced at courses being ran in person.
Thank you for choosing UK Driver CPC Network Ltd (and our network partners across the country) as your training provider and we look forward to seeing you online.
Uploads - IMPORTANT!
To ensure each drivers uploads are submitted on time is very important that drivers co-operate with us and return (via email for online courses) both their registration and feedback forms fully completed (within no later than 24 hours of the course finishing) and signed. Failure to do this may result in that drivers hours not being uploaded. No refunds can be given in these instances. Failure to comply would mean the driver would have to sit that course again.
To book on our next webinar course where you can attend at home click here.